April 21, 2008

Bibs & Bobs.

As scary as it is, it seems I'm getting to an age where many of my friends are starting their own little families. Each time there's a new arrival, I've tried to make something personal as a present to give. I'll be honest, my baby beanies were a bit of a disaster and my cross stitch efforts were, well, let's just say you could hardly tell the difference between my owl and my lady bug...

Anyway, this weekend I started making bibs which are super easy and really cute, if I do say so myself. They also make nice, simple presents. I made each bib with a combination of cotton and linen with a little press stud to hold the bib on.

I got a little carried away with the sewing, so I'm hoping to put some in my new etsy shop which I will hopefully have up and running by the end of this week. If anyone has any ideas about a reasonable price for bib I would love to hear it!

Flower and green polka dot bibs with linen backing.

Close up of the patterns.

How cool is this colour by number fabric with the little bird!

More unfinished bibs waiting to be sewn.

Have a great Monday!


driftwood shack said...

Hi there, these are very pretty bibs its a show my little is such a monster and would probably eat them!

Clare B said...

Liz I can't work out a better way than this to get in contact with you and Dan. Hope you have an amazing trip - I was talking to Dan on Saturday night about fonts and the podcast with info on it. Here's the info:

Girls Gone Geek #31 45:08 1/05/08 Interviews from the Web 2.0 expo, fonts and politics and this week's gadget pick. For more information, please visit www.girlsgonegeek.tv. Thanks for listening!

Available for listening on iTunes.

Hope this gets to you okay.


Anonymous said...

Like these!