September 22, 2008

Tea for one.

So when I was traveling I became a little obsessed by finding the perfect tea cup as drinking cups of tea is one of my favourite things to do. The top two I found at a flea market in Delft - the little figures on the cups all wear traditional outfits depending on which region they come from. (I started a great debate at the market between two old dutch ladies arguing about which region my cups were from.) The middle two I found at Toji Market in Kyoto - so lovely to hold. Lastly, the bottom mug is from my favourite store in Japan, Muji. The whole thing comes apart with a built in tea strainer and lid to catch the drips. Their stationary department is also amazing!

Now I just need to find someone to share a cup with...


TNT said...

I'd love to share a cup with you... we could both sip from our respective cups on our respective sides of the world at the same time?

Lena said...

I love your work! Will definitely keep your art in mind when seeking new gift ideas.

Lovely cup :) My personal favourite cup for tea is a glass one with in-build strainer. I don't like to let my leaves step too long.