December 10, 2008

bibs & tags.

After making a couple of baby bibs for a friend, I thought I would cut out a few extra and post them up in the shop as the combination of gingham and the Japanese prints were so cute. I'm selling them as a set of two - I think they look so nice together it would be a shame to separate them...

I've also updated the shop with some gift tag sets!


Carla said...

hi Liz, thanks for your note, your blog is lovely. I love the Christmas tags and the bibs would be great for some baby friends of mine. CArla

Simone said...

cute (the bibs) + pretty (the tags)

edward and lilly said...

The bibs and gift cards are so sweet!

Unknown said...

Hi - I desperately need some gift tags like the ones you have printed - and can't find them complete with the eyelet and red/white cord anywhere! I would have bought some from you but I notice your shop is down until you re-locate! Do you know where I could get a plain version of these?
Thanks a million,
Elise (in the UK)